Library Facility
Library Facilities
No of Books: 3000 Nos
Total Library Staff: 3 (Three)
Library In Charge:
Our Library
Monday – Friday 11.00 am to 4.00 pm
Library will remain closed on: second Saturdays,Sundays and public holidays and vacation time.
(Issue/Return for students)
1st year all students ( BA,, & DCA) : 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm every Monday.
2nd year all students( BA,, & DCA) : 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm every Wednesday.
3nd year all students( BA,, & DCA) : 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm every Friday.
(Issue/Return & reading Room timings for staffs)
12.00pm to 3.00 pm of every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
1st year all students (BA,, & DCA): 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm every Tuesday.
2nd year all students( BA,, & DCA) : 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm every Thursday.
3rd year all students( BA,, & DCA) : 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm every Saturday.
N.B. : The timings and days of operation shall undergo changes.
Students |
Honours – 3 no’s. Pass – 2 no’s. |
Two months |
Only text books. |
Staffs |
25 no’s |
One year |
Text &reference books. |
Guest lecturer |
10 no’s |
Six month |
Text &reference books. |
- Strict and absolute silence shall be observed in the Library.
- Bags, Big hand bags and files are strictly prohibited inside the library. Readers are advised not to leave their precious and valuable items like money, passport, credit card etc. at the Property Counter.
- No reader shall take any printed materials inside the library. The readers are requested to keep their belongings at the entrance of the library counter.
- Readers should behave with civilized way with library staffs / librarian.
- Borrowed library materials are strictly prohibited to take the same again inside the library.
- The counter shall be closed 1 hour before the closing of the library.
- If the due date falls on a holiday for the library, the next working day will be taken as the due date.
- If any book is lost or damaged beyond repair, the person responsible shall replace it with a new copy or pay double the cost of the book or he have to give the recent price, these decision is taken by the librarian.
- Books will be issued subject to availability.
- Absence from the college will not be allowed as an excuse for the delay in the return of books.
- A fine of Rs. 10/- will be charged for each library card that is lost.
- The borrower will be responsible for any loss or non-return of any book issued against his/her original or duplicate library borrower’s ticket.
- Reference books, damaged books, Newspapers and Magazines/journals should not be taken out.
- Spitting discussing or doing anything else which may disturb other readers or which may be against the discipline of the Library is strictly prohibited.
- Defaulter may lose the membership of the library temporarily or permanently. Using internet in group or more than two is prohibited.
- No person entitled or permitted to use the library shall mutilate, disfigure, deface by writing in the margins, by under-lining sentences, by marking passages or by damaging in any other way a Book, Periodical, Map or Chart or any other property of the Library.
- A reader responsible for any damage caused to the reading materials or to any other property of the Library shall be required to replace the reading material or pay for the property beside the penalty imposed upon him by the Librarian and information system.
- If books issued to a member are found mutilated at the time of return he/she shall have to Replace or pay the price thereof. Therefore, members are requested to check the books thoroughly before getting them issued.
- No tracing or mechanical reproduction of any Book, map or Manuscript shall be made without the expressed permission of the Librarian.
- Readers shall vacate their seats one hour before the closing time of the Library or earlier if the Librarian, or in the absence of the Librarian, the senior- most staff member of library orders so.
- Sub-lending of books is strictly prohibited.
- No book will be issued during summer holidays and puja vacation.
- All arrears at the library shall be cleared by the students before they receive their Admit Card for University Examinations or before they receive the Transfer Certificates, if they want to leave the College before the completion of the course.
- The terminals in the library are to be used only for academic reference and access to online journals and publications.
- When the students & members have any complaint about the services provided by the Library they should not enter into argument with the Library Staff. Instead, they advised to bring it to the notice of the Librarian.
- Students’ members will come to the library personally to take books on loan.
- Any infringement / uncivilised manner of the Library Rules will render a members privilege of admission to and of borrowing books from the Library liable to cancellation.
- These Library Rules may be altered or amended or new rules may be added to the existing ones by the Academic Council from time without notice to the members and these rules or any alternations or amendments to them shall be effective and binding on all concerned. A copy of these rules will be made available when asked for. For getting those rules members have to pay 50 (fifty rupees) rupees.
- Before using Library/ Libraries reading room, members have to sign in the attendance register.
- During power/system failure the circulation counter services will be suspended.
- Before using Library/ Libraries reading room, members have to sign in the attendance register.
- When the students & members have any complaint about the services provided by the Library they should not enter into argument with the Library Staff. Instead, they advised to bring it to the notice of the Librarian.
- These Library Rules may be altered or amended or new rules may be added to the existing ones by the library committee from time without notice to the members and these rules or any alternations or amendments to them shall be effective and binding on all concerned. A copy of these rules will be made available when asked for. For getting those rules members have to pay 50 (fifty rupees) rupees.
- Student and the staff of the college eligible to become member of the library under rule may be admitted to the library.
- On entering the library, every member shall be required to fill up the lib. Admission form that write legibly his/ her Name, Dept, Roll. No, and Signature in the form especially for the purpose. Such a signature will be taken as an acknowledgement that the person agrees to abide by the library rules.
- The person on duty at the entrance is authorized to check that passes on way in or goes out of library.
- Teachers, Students and staffs of the college will be admitted to the membership of the library on the recommendation of the Head of Department concerned.
- Limited of persons which is selected by the library committee /librarian of the college, not belonging to the college may be admitted as special members on the deposit of library security Rs. 1000( One Thousand) refundable on termination of membership and an annual library membership and an annual library membership fee of Rs. 100(One Hundred).
- Visiting professors will be admitted to the membership of the library and will be given the same library facility as are available to the faculty members of the University.
- Any other with the special permission of the Vice-Chancellor.
- A person eligible to be enrolled as member of the library will fill up and sign a membership registration form obtainable from circulation counter of the library and present the same duly signed and stamped by competent recommending authority to the Dean, Library and Information System / Librarian for enrollment as member of the library.
- Students’ members will come to the library personally to take books on loan. Teachers and other members may, however, be allowed by the librarian to draw books on loan through messengers provided they produce on each occasion a letter of authority and list of books required by the members.
- Membership of a student will remain valid till he remains on rolls or gets his roll number for appearing in his final examination
The membership of the members other than students will remain valid till they remain employee of the college/ Office. - In case of Research Scholars and Teacher-cum-Research Scholars their membership will remain valid till the completion of their term.
- Members may be allowed to borrow books for the period of vacation. The books issued to them shall have to be returned by them within three days after the vacation, falling which an overdue charge .
- Librarian may recall any book from any member at any time.
- In case a book is in great demand, Librarian may regulate the use of such a book in such a manner as he consider proper.
- No book shall be issued which, in the opinion of Librarian is not in a condition be safely handled by the borrower.
- The books may be renewed at the discretion of Librarian provided the books in question are not in demand by other members. Similarly, the Librarian may allow the issue of additional number of books to a member to meet his special requirements.
- Before getting books issued any mutilations or markings should be pointed out immediately by the member to the issue counter assistant and his initials be obtained there, otherwise the member shall be responsible for mutilations and markings discovered afterwards.
- An overdue charge of Rs. 50 paisa per day per book will be collected for late return of the books borrowed by them.
- The amount of overdue charges may be remitted or reduced by the Librarian.
- In case of damage or loss of a book, the member shall be required to replace the book or pay recent times of the original cost of the book with 20(twenty) rupees fine.
- Book like gift/ out of print/ its price is not know, the price to be charged will be determined by the Librarian.
- For a serious mutilation/damage a fine of up to Rs. 200/-(Two hundred only) may be imposed by the Librarian.
- If a volume of a set/ series is mutilated or lost and a new volume is not separately available the member concerned shall be liable to replace the whole set/ series or pay the replacement cost of the same. The other volumes of the set/ series will be given to the member after replacing or paying the cost of the whole set.
- Any kind of marking, underlying, clipping of books is absolutely for bidden. Readers shall be held responsible for any damage done to the book belonging to the library and shall be required to replace such book or pay the recent value thereof.
- A member will obtain a clearance certificate from the college library after returning all the books issued.
- The head of the department will issue roll numbers to the student members appearing their final examinations after they produce a clearance certificate from the library. The head of the department will also inform the library of the names of those students members who leave their studies in mid-session and their library security/ detailed marks card will be released/ issued by him to them only after they produce the clearance certificate from the library.
- Before final examination, no admit card will be issued without library clearance Clearance certificate.
Reference books, Newspaper, magazines , loose issues and bound volumes of periodicals, rare books and such other materials as may be placed under restricted categories by the Librarian may not be lent out ordinarily. However, in special circumstances, the rule may be relaxed for their issue for a very limited period. The decision of the Librarian in such cased shall be final.
- Librarian or Head of the library is well known about all library laws of Library and Information Science. In any state of affairs he should respect the laws of Library and Information Science.
- Under special circumstances, the librarian may refuse the issue of books or recall the books already issued from any member without assigning any reason thereof. Even if the period of loan has not expired, in special circumstances.
- In all other matters, the Librarian shall have the power to take such action without taking decision from library committee/ principal, as he may deem fit according to library & Information science.