
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Written by Administrator. Posted in General Information


The IQAC Committee has been reconstituted as per the decision taken in the Teachers’ Council meeting held on 27th August, 2019 with following members:

  1. Sri Debabrata Roy, Principal in-charge
  2. Sri Kishore Roy, A/P, Coordinator
  3. Sri  Luther Debbarma,A/P, Member
  4. Smt. Mousumi Basfore, A/P, Member
  5. Sri Sabir Dutta, PGT, Member
  6. Sri Sanjit Kumar Deb, PGT, Member
  7. Smt. Nandita Chakraborty, PGT, Member
  8. Sri Nirmal Debbarma, LDC,
  9. Sri Samir Bhattacherjee, Manager, Tlm. PMCS Ltd., Representative from Industry
  10. Sri Rajesh Debbarma, Representatives from Society



Minutes of the 1st Meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell 

A meeting of IQAC is held in the Principal Chamber on 19th July, 2019 at 2.00 Pm with the following agenda.

Agenda of the Meeting

  1. Re-constitution of IQAC, GDC, Teliamura,
  2. Feedback Data collection and analysis from Students, Teachers, Parents and Alumni,
  3. Discussion on DVV Clarification,
  4. Re-sending of proposal for organizing regional seminar to DHE for approval.
  5. Miscellaneous

Members present in the Meeting:

1. Sri Debabrata Roy, Principal (I/C),

2. Sri Kishore Roy, A/P, Coordinator, IQAC,

3. Smt. Mousumi Basfore, A/P, Joint Coordinator,

4. Sri Rakhal Chandra Ghosh, PGT

5. Sri Nishu Sukla Das, PGT

Resolutions of the Meeting:

  1. It is resolved that IQAC Committee has to be re-constituted with the joining of new faculty members in the college. This process is necessary to strengthen and advance the activities of the cell. It is decided that Mr. Luther Debbarma, A/P, Sri Sabir Datta, PGT, Smt. Nandita Chakraborty, PGT and Sri Sanjit Kumar Deb, PGT will be the new members of this cell.
  2. It is also decided that feedback forms will be distributed among the students to collect their opinion to strengthen qualitative initiatives from the part of teachers, administration and authority. It is further resolved that feedback will be collected from the parents, alumni and also from the teachers of this institution.
  3. As the process of sending DVV clarifications from the side of college is over, hence it is decided that IQAC members will prepare themselves for providing proper information to all faculty members.
  4. A proposal for organization of regional seminar in college was earlier sent to the higher authority for approval and further no process was initiated from the both end. Hence, it is decided that IQAC will send the same proposal again to the higher authority for approval and financial support. 
  5. It is also resolved that the beautification and cleaning process should be completed in regular interval and with the active role of NSS wing of the college. Hence, Sri Rakhal Chandra Ghosh, NSS Program Officer is requested to take urgent initiatives in this regard.


Minutes of the 2nd Meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell 

A meeting of IQAC is held in the Principal Chamber on 4th September, 2019 at 2.00 PM with the following agenda.

Agenda of the Meeting:

  1. Approval of the minutes of previous Meeting,
  2. NAAC Peer Team Visit,
  3. Completion of documentation of Post-SSR works,
  4. Status of the works done by each Departments of the college,
  5. Organization of special Talks, Departmental Program etc.
  6. Special initiatives for maintenance of quality assurance,
  7. Miscellaneous

Members present in the Meeting:

1. Sri Debabrata Roy, Principal (I/C),

2. Sri Kishore Roy, A/P, Coordinator, IQAC,

3. Smt. Mousumi Basfore, A/P, Joint Coordinator,

4. Sri Rakhal Chandra Ghosh, PGT

5. Sri Sanjit Kumar Deb, PGT,

6. Sri Sabir Datta, PGT

7. Smt. Nandita Chakraborty, PGT


Resolutions of the Meeting:

  1. The members of the Meeting Unanimously approved the minutes taken in the previous meeting held on 19th July, 2019.
  2. As the process of DVV clarification is over and the Peer Team has already given the schedule to visit the college, hence there is an urgent need to take various measures and initiatives for the same. Different sub-committees will be look after the complete process under the guidance of IQAC and constituted by the Principal. 
  3. It is also decided that feedback process will be finished soon by the faculty members assigned with the process and Mr. Luther Debbarma, A/P, Department of I.T will complete the data entry and analyses process within a stipulated period for the next course of action.
  4. Each Head of the Departments will prepare the Departmental presentation, preparation and modification of teachers’ diary, academic calendar etc. in due course of time. PowerPoint presentation will be done before the NAAC Peer Team in the college.
  5. It is decided that each department will organized departmental seminar and program like organization of special talks, debates, discussions etc. Special initiatives to be taken for the maximum involvement of students for these programs.
  6. There is an urgent need to prepare a report of actions or works done after the submission of SSR to the NAAC website. The IQAC will prepare the report in due course of time.
  7. It is also resolved that the working of college canteen will be supervised and verified by Mr. Sanjit Kumar Deb, PGT and he has to submit the reports to the Principal.
  8. NSS Volunteers will look after the cleanliness and beautification works of the college premises. Mr. Rakhal Chandra Ghosh, NSS Program Officer will supervise the works.


Written by Administrator. Posted in General Information


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Tel: 03825 262 111/ 03825 262 833

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